
“We neither are Hindus nor Muslims; Our body and life belong to the One Supreme Being who alone is both Ram and Allah for us.” — Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Granth Sahib
Definition: Sikhism
Refers to the Indian religion that blends together Islamic and Hindu elements, founded by Nanak Sikhs, disciples of Nanak and his nine successors known as the Ten Gurus, in the Punjab region of India in the late 15th century.
Fast Facts on Sikhism
Adherents 23 million
History Founded by Guru Nanak, c. 1500, Punjab, India.
Beliefs one God: Ik Onkar
Practices Prayer and meditation on God's name, services at temple (gurdwara), turban and five Ks. Balance work, worship, and charity. No monasticism or asceticism.
Texts Adi Granth (Sri Guru Granth Sahib)
Symbols Khanda

Sikhism emerged in 16th-century India in an environment heavily permeated with conflicts between the Hindu and Muslim religions. Its founding teacher, Guru Nanak Dev, was born in 1469 to a Hindu family. His most famous saying was, "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim, so whose path shall I follow? I shall follow the path of God." Today, there are about 23 million Sikhs worldwide, making Sikhism the fifth largest religion in the world.

The table of contents below will direct you to various topics on the Sikh faith, from their beliefs to their history, to their sacred days, to important literature.