Big Religion Chart: Compare World Religions

The ReligionFacts "Big Religion Chart" is our attempt to summarize all the complexities of over 40 {article1615|religions, worldviews, and belief systems} in tiny little boxes on a quick-reference comparison chart. Yes, this is impossible.

Oversimplification is unavoidable in all charts and summaries, so this is no substitute for reading about religions in greater detail or talking with actual religious humans. But it is our hope that this comparison chart can be a useful and accessible starting point, enabling you to "get the gist" of some unfamiliar groups and compare the basics of world faiths.

Despite this chart's simplistic title, it is very inclusive and not all groups listed here are necessarily "religions." The only requirements are that they have a significant following and offer answers about ultimate reality, human nature, the meaning of life, and/or how to find fulfillment or salvation. All of them may be found in dictionaries of religion. Conversely, if a group doesn't appear in this chart, it doesn't mean it's not a religion or doesn't matter; the chart is not comprehensive and will continue to grow. Denominations and sects within major religions are covered in other charts.

Links within the chart will take you to more detailed information on ReligionFacts. You may also be interested in our {article1615|list of religions} and definitions of religion.