The ReligionFacts Glossary of Religion contains clear, concise definitions of nearly 1,000 religious terms and concepts. Click on a term for sources and more info.
Glossary of Religion
- A.H.
(Latin anno hegirae, "After Hijira"). Western abbreviation for the Islamic dating of years, beginning with Muhammad's flight to Medina in 622 CE.
- Abbasid
An Islamic dynasty established in 750, when it replaced the Umayyad caliphate. Originally based in Mesopotamia (the Abbasids founded Baghdad in 762), it remained dominant in the Islamic world until the mid-10th century.
- abhaya mudra
Buddhist hand gesture representing fearlessness.
- acolytes
(Greek, "follower"). A lay person, usually a child or young adult, who assists ministers in worship services.
- acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medical treatment using needles to stimulate the flow of ch'i in the body.
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