Jewish Ritual Objects

As in many religions, the practice of Judaism involves several different kinds of ritual objects, ceremonial garb, religious utensils and symbolic items that give expression to faith.

Some of these "Jewish things" are traditional or customary (though still required by some sects), but many others are based on specific divine commandments recorded in the Bible and therefore highly important.

Examples of the former are the yarmulke and the Star of David; the latter include the mezuzah, the tallit, and the tefilin. Click a link below to explore the history, meaning and rituals associated with various Jewish articles and objects.

Click a link below to explore the history, meaning and rituals associated with various Jewish articles and objects.

Things Jews Wear

  • Kittel - white robe
  • Shaytl - wig
  • Tallit and Tzitzit - prayer shawl and fringes
  • Tefilin - phylacteries
  • Tichl - headcovering for women
  • Yarmulke/Kipa - skullcap

Things in a Jewish Home

  • Matzah - unleavened bread
  • Menorah - candelabrum
  • Mezuzah - doorpost scroll

Things in the Synagogue

  • Ark and accessories - storage for the Torah
  • Bima - platform
  • Mechitza - divider
  • Menorah - candelabrum
  • Musical instruments
  • Ten Commandments
  • Torah scroll and accessories
  • Synagogue windows
  • Yad - Torah pointer

Things for Holidays and Special Occasions

  • Chuppah - wedding canopy
  • Dreidel - Hanukkah toy
  • Get - divorce document
  • Haggadah - prayerbook for Passover
  • Matzah - bread for Passover
  • Ketubah - marriage contract
  • Sukka - booth for Sukkot