Baha'i Beliefs

The Bahá'í Faith is monotheistic, believing in one, all-powerful creator God. It shares this belief with Christians, Jews, and Muslims, although what each of these religions believes about the one God can be quite different.

Bahá'ís emphasize that God is ultimately unknowable in his essence, but human knowledge of God can be had through Manifestations (messengers or prophets) of God. Bahá'ís believe that the founders of great religions (including Abraham, Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad, and Bahá'u'lláh) were these Manifestations, sent by the one and only God to reveal his attributes and will in the terms that were appropriate for the time.

Bahá'í doctrine emphasizes the unity of mankind, despite differences such as race and class or economic status, the unity of the world's religions, and the progressive revelation of God to humanity.