Anglican Churches

Christian churches that have some connection with Anglicanism are placed into one of the following categories.

Churches of the Anglican Communion

Anglican churches (by province) in communion with the See of Canterbury. There are currently 38 provinces in this category, including the Church of England, the Anglican Church of Australia, and the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.

  • Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
  • Anglican Church of Australia
  • Anglican Church of Canada
  • Anglican Church of Kenya
  • Anglican Church of Korea
  • Anglican Church of Mexico
  • Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
  • Anglican Church of the Region of Central America
  • Anglican Church of the Province of the Southern Cone (South America)
  • Church in Wales
  • Church of England
  • Church of Ireland
  • Church of Nigeria
  • Church of North India
  • Church of South India
  • Church of Uganda
  • Church of the Province of Burundi
  • Church of the Province of Central Africa
  • Church of the Province of Melanesia
  • Church of the Province of Myanmar
  • Church of the Province of Rwanda
  • Church of the Province of South East Asia
  • Church of the Province of Southern Africa
  • Church of the Province of Tanzania
  • Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
  • Church of the Province of the West Indies
  • Church of the Province of West Africa
  • Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East
  • Episcopal Church in the United States of America
  • Episcopal Church of Brazil
  • Episcopal Church of Cuba
  • Episcopal Church of the Sudan
  • Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
  • Lusitanian Church of Portugal
  • Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Japan)
  • Philippine Episcopal Church
  • Scottish Episcopal Church
  • Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church

Churches in Full Communion

This category was defined by the 1958 Lambeth Conference. It consists of those churches in full communion with the See of Canterbury, but which are not culturally or denominationally Anglican. Examples include the Old Catholic Church of Germany and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of India.

Churches Not in Communion

These are the denominations liturgically and culturally most similar to the member churches of the Anglican Communion, but who have usually broken away from the Anglican church because of disagreement over some doctrinal issue, and the property of not being in communion with Canterbury is part of their identity. Examples include the Anglican Catholic Church, the Anglican Church in America, and the Continuing Church of England.