Falun Gong (Chinese, "Practice of the Wheel of Dharma") is a Chinese movement founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992. Its adherents perform ritual exercises to obtain mental and spiritual renewal.
Falun Gong is also known as Falun Dafa. Technically, Falun Gong refers to the practice, while Falun Dafa refers to the teaching of the movement, but the terms are now generally used interchangably.
The teachings of Falun Gong draw from the Asian religious traditions of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Chinese folklore as well as those of Western New Age movements.
The movement's sudden emergence in the 1990s was a great concern to the Chinese government, which viewed Falun Gong as a cult and a threat.
Falun Gong has claimed not to be an organization and its texts speak of it as a practice rather than a religion. But it does contain teachings about the spiritual world and it has a closely connected membership (achieved in large part through the internet).[#1]
[#1]: "Falun Gong." John Bowker, ed., The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
Links on Falun Gong
- FalunDafa.org - not official, but run by Falun Gong practitioners; includes full English text of the Zhuan Falun
- Falun Dafa Information Center
- Friends of Falun Gong USA
- Interview with Li Hongzhi - Time Asia, May 10, 1999
- Li Hongzhi Lecture - transcript of 2003 speech in the USA
- Falun Gong: Evaluation and Further References by Barend J. ter Haar, Chinese History, Leiden University
- Falun Gong - Religious Movements Homepage
- Falun Gong Updates - CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions) comprehensive collection of news articles
- "Falun Gong: China's Dilemma" - CNN Special Report, 2002
- "Why is Beijing So Afraid?" - Ron Gluckman, April 25, 2000
- "Master Li's Brave New Age" - Time Asia, May 10, 1999
- Falun Gong Info - "an outsider's honest and critical commentary of the Falun Gong movement"
- China's Falun Gong: The World is Watching... and Joining - Christian Research Institute
Books on Falun Gong
Falun Gong
by Li Hongzhi
Zhuan Falun
by Li Hongzhi
Essentials for Further Advancement
by Li Hongzhi
Falun Gong's Challenge to China
- Falun Gong: The End of Days