Glossary of Mahayana Buddhism

April 18, 2024 · updated April 18, 2024

(Sanskrit, "thought of enlightenment"). An important concept in Mahayana Buddhism. In a personal sense, it signifies the spontaneous resolve to strive for enlightenment. In a cosmic sense, it is reality itself, which makes enlightenment possible.
hungry ghost
Beings who populate the second to the lowest of the six realms of existence in Mahayana Buddhism. Usually depicted as having small mouths or necks and giant stomachs, hungry ghosts experience continual frustration and unsatisfied craving.
Nichiren Buddhism
A school of Japanese Buddhism founded by the militant Japanese Buddhist reformer Nichiren (1222-82). Today there are almost 40 sub-sects, with Nichiren Shoshu being the largest and most important.
Pure Land Buddhism
School of Buddhism supposedly founded by the Chinese monk Hui Yuan (334-417) which became one of the most popular forms of Mahayana. Pure Land Buddhism spread to Japan where it broke away from the main school and goes by the name J?do..
A Japanese school of Buddhism named after Tien Tai mountain in China and the Tien Tai school of Chinese Buddhism that arose there. In 805 Tendai was introduced in Japan by Saicho at his Enryakuji temple on Mount Hiei near Kyoto.
A school of meditative Buddhism introduced to Japan in the 12th century by monks returning from China. Originating in India, it spread to China where elements of Taoism were added. There are two main branches of Zen in Japan: Rinzai and Soto..
A school of meditative Buddhism introduced to Japan in the 12th century by monks returning from China. Originating in India, it spread to China where elements of Taoism were added. There are two main branches of Zen in Japan: Rinzai and Soto..