
Euthanasia, sometimes known as "mercy-killing," is the intentional ending of a patient's life by a physician, usually by lethal injection. Technically, "physician-assisted suicide" is different and refers to a physician providing a patient with the means for taking his or her own life.

Among those who attend religious services weekly, only 33% regarded euthanasia as morally acceptable. Among those who attend services "nearly weekly," 48% said euthanasia is morally acceptable.

Since religion concerns itself with issues of life, death, meaning and morality, it is not surprising that, for many people, religious beliefs are the main basis for their views of euthanasia. While there are certainly many other factors that contribute to one's position on euthanasia, such as concerns about the risk of abuse, compassion, pain control, legal freedom, etc., this section will focus almost entirely on the religious aspects of the issue.